Browse Items (1228 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page of 25 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Louis Jackson, portrait--Photo 2 Louis Jackson in color taken outside. Louis Jackson, portrait--Photo 1 Louis Jackson in a striped collared shirt in front of grey background. Louis Desmuke, yearbook portrait, 1980 Louis Desmuke in a coat, a zip-up hoodie underneath, and a bandana around his neck in front of a grey background [The Chilocco Annual, 1980]. Louis BigBear, yearbook portrait, 1979 Louis BigBear in a plaid button-up in front of a white background [The Chilocco Annual, 1979]. Louie Jackson, yearbook portrait, 1980 Louie Jackson in a striped short-sleeve in front of a stone wall outdoors [The Chilocco Annual, 1980]. Loretta Cottier, portrait, 1979 Loretta Cottier smiling in a light-colored short-sleeve t-shirt in front of a white background [The Chilocco Annual, 1979]. Loreta Courtney holding a book Loreta Courtney, a teacher, holds a book. Lorene Canafax, Ramona Jenkins, taken September 1940 Two women (Lorene Canafax, Ramona Jenkins) wrap their arms around each other with a path and building visible in the background. Lorene Canafax was a senior in 1940. Ramona Jenkins was a Cherokee from Del Norte, Colorado and a senior in 1940. Lorena DeRain receiving an award from Kenneth Moore Lorena DeRain in a black blouse and white cardigan receives an award from Kenneth Moore, who stands at podium. Looking down on construction High vantage point photo looks down into the construction site, showing two pickup trucks and two men performing manual labor. Lloyd Means, portrait Double panel photo of Lloyd Means. Lloyd Means--Photo 2 Lloyd Means eating lunch. Lloyd Means--Photo 1 Lloyd Means in a button-up and glasses, with a glasses case in his shirt pocket. Lloyd Means eating--Photo 2 Close up picture of Lloyd Means, shop instructor, eating. Lloyd Means eating--Photo 1 Lloyd Means, shop instructor, pictured while eating. Livestock shelter in pasture Rickety stick and thatched roof shed constructed for livestock is shown in a pasture with a metal building surrounded by farm equipment in the background. Lilian Gonzalez, portrait Double photo of Lilian Gonzalez in a white polka dot blouse, one zoomed in. Leupp Hall-student Dining Hall The front of Leupp Hall-student Dining Hall with its rounded entryway of stone is photographed. Leupp Hall (Building 12) Leupp Hall, also referred to as Building 12, served as the main dining hall for the Chilocco Indian School. The building was also the home of the domestic sciences department for a period. Leupp Hall was the oldest building on campus. The photograph… Leonard Hathcoat teaching a class, 1951 Leonard Hathcoat, the Senior Sponsor Teacher of American History and Applied Mathematics, is teaching a history class in Chilocco. There are ten students and an assistant in the room. A student is seen reading a book titled 'The Making of Modern… Leonard Hathcoat and students comparing work in a classroom A student works on a problem at his desk. Two other students and their teacher observe. One student holds a piece of paper and appears to be comparing or sharing his work with the student at his desk. Leonard Anquoe in school hallway Leonard Anquoe in a brown suit and tie, in front of a bulletin board labeled 'School Directory'. Leon Ladeaux, 1980 Leon Ladeaux, a junior at Chilocco Indian School in 1980. Leola (McGilbra) Taylor, portrait Leola Taylor, Education Specialist and the director of Title I department [The Chilocco Annual 1956-1970]. Leo Club members in front of an American flag, 1973 The 1973 Leo Club members (L. to R.): Gilbert Tilden, president; Laura Williams; Naomi Treas; Russell Cooper; Karen Rickman; Noreen Williams; Justin Levier; Walter Fields; Jack Talmadge, sponsor; Thomas Hardin, sponsor; and Karleen Kazhe stand in… Lawrence Pingry at the heating plant, 1973 Lawrence Pingry is pictured in the heating plant, standing next to equipment with dials, possibly for reading temperature and/or pressure. Lawrence Henderson teaching math Lawrence Henderson stands in front of a chalkboard, teaching math. Large group of young women playing softball A large group of young women are shown playing softball out in a field with a man as the umpire for the game. Large group of young men Large dressed up group of young men lined up outside one of the buildings on campus. Large group of men and women in group portrait Eleven women and Four men with one small girl. All of the individuals are very well dressed and one of the men is holding the little girl. Large group of men and women in front of stone building, group photo A large group of young men and women pose together for a picture outside the Chilocco building. Large group of men and women A large group photo of men in suits and women in dresses and furs taken outside along the stone wall of Haworth Hall. Lana Phillips at her desk Lana Phillips sitting behind an office desk. Back of the photo is signed 'Toppah.' Lab Technician, Yvonne Longoria (White Eagle) in the laboratory, 1980 Lab Technician, Yvonne Longoria (White Eagle) is busy experimenting in the laboratory [The Chilocco Annual, 1980]. Kim Merriman, yearbook portrait, 1980 Kim Merriman in a striped sweater with a collar, in front of a grey background [The Chilocco Annual, 1980]. Kidd Tom, yearbook portrait, 1980 Kidd Tom in a white button-up in front of a white background [The Chilocco Annual, 1980]. Kern Jones, Ruby Mae Harrison, Hoover Hamilton, 1940 Two men and one woman (left to right: Kern Jones, Ruby Mae Harrison, Hoover Hamilton) outdoors with trees and other people visible in the background. Kern Jones, a Choctaw from Wichita, Kansas was the president of the class of 1940. Ruby Mae Harrison… Kent Myers in a hallway, 1973 Guard Kent Myers poses for a photo. Kenneth Moore at the edge of a trampoline, 1973 Kenneth Moore resting his hands on the edge of a trampoline. Kenneth Moore and Emalyne Collins at podium Kenneth Moore and Emalline Collins at a podium where she is receiving an award. Kay Kimberling with an art piece, 1973 Art teacher Kay Kimberling smiling with an art piece in 1973. Kay Kimberling making a costume, 1973 Kay Kimberling creating or adjusting a costume piece on someone, 1973. Katie Bear in front of bush, 1951 Katie Bear in a white shirt and skirt in front of trees and a bush [The Chilocco Annual, 1951]. Kathy Roberts enjoying potato chips in the kitchen, 1973 Kathy Roberts laughing and holding a bag of potato chips in the kitchen. Kathy Roberts and Bob Begay outside, 1973 Kathy Roberts and Bob Begay, Chilocco Recreational Directors, standing by each other as they pose outside for a picture. [The Chilocco Annual, 1973]. Karl Stone, portrait Double panel photo of Karl Stone, one zoomed in and one zoomed out. Karen Thomas yearbook portrait, 1979 Karen Thomas in a short sleeve t-shirt in front of a light-colored background [The Chilocco Annual, 1979]. Karen Testerman smiling, 1979 Karen Testerman in a zip-up hoodie and plaid button-up, seated in a chair covered in blankets and smiling [The Chilocco Annual, 1979]. Karen Means, yearbook portrait, 1980 Karen Means in a dark dress and white turtleneck in front of a grey background [The Chilocco Annual, 1980]. Karen Bell reading Karen Bell, a librarian, sits reading a magazine. 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